Rules of article formatting for the peer-reviewed journal
“Sayan-Altai Scientific Review”
1. Example:
UDC 903.26
А. B. Ivanovaa, I. A. Petrovb
a Novosibirsk State University, 1 Pirogov str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia; email:
bInstitute for the History of Material Culture of RAS, 18A Dvortsovaya nab., St. Petersburg, 191186, Russia; email:; ORCID: 0000-0001-1111-2222
Abstract, abstract, abstract, abstract, abstract …
Keywords: words, words, words…
Text, text, text… [Vadetskaya, 1965, p. 35, fig. 2: 8-10]. Text, text, text, text, text, text [Andersson, 1932, p. 235; The Yak, 2006, p. 156].
Text, text, text… (fig. 1: 1-5, 7; 3: 2). Text, text, text…
Fig. 1. Burial ground Abakan-8, barrow 12. Finds from grave 2:
1-3 – iron; 4-7 – bronze. Photo by A. B. Ivanov.
Amartuvshin Ch., Zhargalan B. Khurel zevsgiin ueiin bulshny sudalgaa. In: Dundgov’ aimagt khiisen arkheologiin sudalgaa. Ulaanbaatar: BEMBI SAN, 2010. T. 152-201.
Andersson J. G. Hunting Magic in the Animal Style. Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities. 1932. № 4. Pp. 221-317.
Bobrov V. V. Olen’ v skifo-sibirskom iskusstve (tagarskaya kul’tura): avtoref. dis. … kand. ist. nauk. Novosibirsk, 1973. 35 p.
Clauson G. An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1972. 988 p.
Esin Yu. N., Magai Zh., Eruul-Erdene Ch., Gantulga Zh. O kraske na olennykh kamnyakh Mongolii. Arkheologiya, etnografiya i antropologiya Evrazii. 2017. T. 45, № 3. Pp. 79-89.
The Yak / eds. G. Wiener, Han Jianlin, Long Ruijun. 2 ed. Bangkok: Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2006. 460 p.
Vadetskaya E. B. Izobrazhenie zverya-bozhestva iz Khakasii. In: Novoe v sovetskoi arkheologii. Moscow: Nauka, 1965. Pp. 174-176.
2. Notes to article formatting:
2.1. A manuscript of an article should contain the following information in Russian and English:
a) UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) that corresponds to the subject of an article and is desirable for an author/authors (in case of absence, it will be assigned by the Editorial Board);
b) title of an article;
c) full name of an author/authors;
d) place of work with the postal address and email address of each author, ORCID (if there is);
e) abstract of an article (no more than 200 words); it should reflect the problem, methods, main conclusions and essential points of the study;
f) keywords (no more than 10 words).
2.2. Rules for formatting a text of an article:
a) articles in Russian and English are accepted; the length of a standard article is up to 40,000 characters (including spaces), but it can be increased if it is required by the disclosure of the theme;
b) it is recommended to distinguish the main structural and semantic parts in a text: introduction, main part, discussion of results, conclusion;
c) font – Times New Roman, size 14. It is recommended to use fonts that support Unicode; if you use additional fonts when typing an article, such fonts should be submitted to the Editorial Board in a separate electronic file (or their use should be agreed with the Editorial Board); line spacing – 1.5; margins at the top and bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm; indent – 1 cm;
d) references to illustrations are given in round brackets, e.g.: (fig. 2: 4); references to literature are given in square brackets with the first author’s name, year of publication and page number or figure, e.g.: [Ivanov et al., 1957, fig. 3, p. 22]; references to archival sources are made in the form of page-by-page footnotes with continuous numbering within each article;
e) list of references is placed at the end of an article after title “References” and is arranged in alphabetical order; list of sources with the corresponding title can be presented separately in alphabetical order (before the list of references); after the list of references at the end of an article, the same list of references is placed with transliteration from Cyrillic to Latin with title “References” (transliteration is performed in the BSI system. You can use automatic transliteration on the website; the order of references in this list must correspond to the English alphabet; you should specify full names of cities where a book is published – Moscow, Leningrad, St. Petersburg);
f) when using abbreviations, a list of abbreviations is compiled.
2.3. Rules for formatting illustrations:
a) drawings and photographs can be in black and white or in color and are provided as separate files in TIFF or JPG format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi;
b) when publishing illustrations on archeology, ethnography, as well as maps, and in other necessary cases, the scale should be used;
c) graphs and charts are represented as separate files, made or saved in Microsoft Exel 6.0/7.0/97/2000;
d) each illustration must have a number and a caption; authors of drawings and photographs or a source of a borrowing are indicated (according to the general rules of citation in the journal); captions to illustrations and tables are translated into English.